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South Africa has been hailed as a story of change and a role model for other countries striving for democracy and upliftment of its peoples.
Under the leadership of Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma, the people of our Rainbow Nation have striven, and will continue to strive, to achieve a better life for all.
Yes, there have been, and still are challenges, and we acknowledge these.
But there are also exciting opportunities to make a difference, to create a new legacy for our children and to leave our footprints in the South African soil.
We are a brave people who are willing to embrace change and who are driven by a community spirit and energy.
We are diverse, yet we understand that there is strength in unity.
Our Government understands the needs of its peoples and the importance of its relationships with its African and World brothers and sisters.
It is our people who make a difference.
Individually and collectively new footprints are embedded as we emerge from a dark past into a brighter future.
It is with this spirit and energy that a group of South Africans pooled their experiences and desire for change to build a shared vision to support the strategies for economic growth, job creation and the alleviation of poverty.
After a very successful and visible hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, this group of entrepreneurs consolidated their talents to focus on Tourism Development to contribute towards social and economic change.
It was a natural "fit" to partner CCTN and IIPT to make new footprints in South African soil for social and economic development.
In partnering Jamaica's Countrystyle Community Tourism Network (CCTN) and the International Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT), we found kindred spirits in Diana McIntyre-Pike, President of CCTN and Lou D’Amore, President of IIPT who we see as ambassadors for change.
Community Tourism is close to our Ubuntu philosophy ... "Togther we are Stronger" - umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu. The Zulu maxim "a person is a person through (other) persons".
As partners of CCTN and IIPT we look forward to making a contribution to social and economic development - umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu.
For information contact Nikki De Pina at info@dixiebay.co.za.
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