Poems - Dying in Peru
by Bernadette Gabay Dyer
(Jamaican/Canadian Author, Storyteller and Poet)
Seven young men
Have died in Peru
Were you there that night in Lima
When the dancing started
And street lamps burned low,
And the hand clapping escalated
In fiesta delight?
Were you part of the ecstacy
That tormented, terrified and thrilled
In the nightclub room
Where those seven sons of Lima, with brave Inca faces
Faced the pallor of death,
To find their names carved
On the dark dance floor?
Did you see Juan, Pablo,Rico, Benito, Carlos and Pedro fall?
Did they rip air from your breast,
And caused tears to cascade your warm cheeks,
And did you for one brief moment think of me
Millions of miles from the Andes
Giving thanks for your safety,
And shivering.
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