Ahhh...Ras Natango's Spicy Avocado Dip

by Tamika Williams
(Camrose, Montego Bay, St James, Jamaica)

Avocados (Pears in Jamaica)<br><i>Click images to enlarge</i>

Avocados (Pears in Jamaica)
Click images to enlarge

Avocado as with most tropical fruits are seasonal.

They are huge and much more flavourful in comparisson with the ones I have seen overseas in my travels.

We call them "Pears" in Jamaica, because of the pear-like shape of most of our Avocado varieties.
Even the rounded ones are still called pears. Ask any Jamaican for a pear and you will get an avocado everytime.

Pears are perfect in salads, eaten alone, in sandwiches, or made into a sauce or a dip.

And because of their high fat content they make a natural mask for moisturizing ones face.


  • 1 ripe avacado
  • 1 small finely chopped onion
  • 1 medium tomato finely chopped (minus all pulp and seeds because the pulp and seeds tend to make the dip runny)
  • 1 small hot pepper finely chopped (if using scotch bonnet pepper use less, or de-seed and de-vein)
  • A sprinkle of black pepper
  • and a pinch of salt


  • Peel and put avocado in a bowl
  • Save seed to place in the center of the dip, because it prevents the dip from turning black and spoiling
  • Use a fork to mash, but do NOT over mash as dip should be a bit lumpy
  • Add all the other ingredients
  • Mix gently and arrange on a suitable serving dish, with the seed in the middle, and slices of Roasted Breadfruit, or any chips/crisps/savoury biscuits around the dip

Preparation time is about five minutes.

Ahhh...Ras Natango's Avocado dip makes a perfect snack, and can be served at parties or as an appetizer.

Comments for Ahhh...Ras Natango's Spicy Avocado Dip

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Just made this ...
by: Chris

... Delicious.

Unfortunately none of our lovely Jamaican pears (Avocados) over here, but still good, and improves the poor quality pears we get.

Preventing Pears (Avocados) Going Black
by: Chris

A squeeze of lime seems to prevent most fruit from turning black when their flesh is exposed to air.

So I have always used a squeeze of lime in my Avocado dip, as this also adds a nice flavor and bit more bite to the dip.

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